Dal Restarts is a swedish alternative pop project founded in 2017 by Simon Danielsson, functioning as his personal diary and emotional outlet. Somber classical guitar improvisations are malformed into electronic beats and atmospheres, obscuring the line between indie pop and lofi electronic music.
2023, June 24th
Instagram: @ danielssonofficial
Instagram: @sofia.elisabet
Spotify: Sofia Popek
Simon Danielsson
music / vocals / lyrics
Sofia Popek
"Solitude": vocals / vocal arr.
“You Could Take Me”: backing vocals
"Thinking About You”: lyrics / vocals
Album art:
Elsa Holmberger
prop design
Simon Danielsson
photography / graphic design
Thank you to Johan Abrahamsson
for his valuable opinions throughout
.the mixing and mastering process
2022, May 31st
Instagram: @ danielssonofficial
Instagram: @sofia.elisabet
Spotify: Sofia Popek
Instagram: @viktorjovasevic
Soundcloud: @virrebirrexd
Instagram: @johan.abr
Spotify: Chunda Bom
Instagram: @hibernationtherapper
Soundcloud: @hibernationtherapper
Instagram: @ludwigdigren
Simon Danielsson
music / mixing / vocals / lyrics / cover
Sofia Popek
"Words": vocals / co-writing
“Torn Notes”: vocals / vocal arr.
Viktor Jovasevic (Creds)
“Don’t Let Me Go”: lyrics / vocals
Johan Abrahamsson (Chunda Bom)
“Best Attempts”: lyrics / vocals
“Stronger Than Me”: lyrics / vocals / vocoder
“Torn Notes”: lyrics / vocals
Ludwig Digrén